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5 Breathing Techniques

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Breath is our life force. It is how our body transports oxygen to our lungs. Breathing is also human nature, we take our first breath as a newborn and continue taking them unknowingly until something stops it like a cold or allergies. Our breathing is also one of the first indicators of what's going on in our physical body. When one is stressed, excited, scared, or anxious, our breathing patterns change to match our emotions.

Since this breathing is automatic, many may think we don’t have control over our breath, which is the furthest from the truth. Here are FIVE Breathing techniques, guaranteed to reduce your stress, increase focus, and relax your body. In all of these techniques, make sure to adhere to your body, and choose a position that is most comfortable for you. Adjust where needed.

Deep Breathing- This is a technique that requires you to breathe from your stomach instead of short breaths. While standing or sitting, draw your elbows back, and take an inhalation through your nose for 5-8 seconds. After you take a breath, you want to hold it for the same amount of time, and slowly release it on an exhale of similar seconds. Do this process for as little or as long as you like to increase feelings of relaxedness, and to relieve shortness of breath.

Breath Focus Visualization- This technique requires you to build upon similar techniques that we’ve learned with Deep Breathing. When you are ready to begin, Breathe deeply to a point of relaxation. After this, begin to use your imagination to visualize peace for yourself. Make sure to not only visualize this in your head but to also relax your body. As you continue your deep breaths, which include a inhale, hold, and exhale, imagine the stress leaving your body on the exhale. As you do this, begin to say in your mind “what you breathe in- which will be the positive” and what “you breathe out which is negative. Continue this for about 10-20 minutes.

Box Breathing- This technique of breathing requires you to inhale- hold-exhale- and hold, which ultimately mimics the pattern of a box. You should choose a duration that is comfortable for you. The most common numbers used in Box Breathing are 4-8 seconds.. Please make sure that each step is equal in time. So if you inhale for 4 seconds, make sure to hold for 4 seconds, and so forth.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation- Similar to the previous techniques, this technique requires intention and visualization. You begin by first lying or sitting in a position that is most comfortable to you. You begin by taking deep breaths, and slowly start to tense and relax each section of your body. For example, you would close your eyes, tense your foot and toe area for five seconds, and then relax for 30 seconds, and so forth. You would do this from your toes, all the way up to your neck and head. Continue as many times as needed until you feel relaxed. The point of this exercise is to bring tension, but offer relief in a way that is conscious to the self.

Belly Breath- In this final technique, you want to sit comfortably with your knees bent and your shoulder back. You want to take one hand and place it on your upper chest, and the other on your stomach softly. Begin to breathe through your nose slowly to the point you feel your stomach suck in the furthest it can go. You then want to exhale, to the point your hand and stomach return to their original position. The goal is for the hand on the chest to remain as still as possible.

Make sure to try one of these techniques when you are feeling stressed, or simply want better breathing. For more information on the importance of breathing, or to get more breathing techniques, check out these resources below:

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